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Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL reading comprehension Synonym TOEFL

Phrasal Verb (S)

Phrasal Verb Definition Example
save * up + accumulate (money) I hope I will be able to save up enough money to go to school.
see about + arrange or consider something My dad said he was going to see about buying me a car.
see * off say good-bye to someone at the beginning of their trip (at the airport, train station) Did you see your sister off at the train station?
see to + make sure something happens, arrange I'll see to it that Mr. Ramirez gets your message.
see * through finish something despite difficulties Are you going to be able to see your studies through now that you have a baby?
sell * out tell on someone My partner in crime sold me out for a reduced jail sentence.
set * up arrange a relationship My mom set me up with her friend's son.
set * up falsely incriminate a person I don't think he killed those men. Somebody set him up.
set up + arrange (an appointment, a meeting,etc.) I set up an appointment with my doctor at 3:30 this afternoon.
settle on + make a decision after a period of time I settled on the job at the oil company.
settle up pay one's debts We need to settle up before you move.
show * off + show to everybody with a lot of pride He always shows off his new things.
show off boast, draw attention to oneself Young boys show off in order to impress girls.
show * up make someone seem inferior He's always trying to show up his co-workers in order to get ahead.
show up arrive without previous notice I hadn't seen my cousin for years, and all of a sudden, he showed up at my workplace yesterday!
shut * off stop from functioning If you don't pay your electric bill, your power is going to get shut off.
shut * up make quiet Would someone shut him up! He's talking so loudly that we're going to get in trouble.
slow * down + make move more slowly Because Mary's level in English is lower than the rest of the students, she slows the class down.
slow * up + make move more slowly Because Mary's level in English is lower than the rest of the students, she slows the class up.
spell * out + to explain something in a detailed way so that the meaning is clearly understood He's so stupid that you have to spell everything our for him.
stand by wait I need you to stand by and answer the phone when my broker calls.
stand for + represent SCUBA stands for "self contained underwater breathing apparatus."
stand for + tolerate I won't stand for people criticizing me.
stand out be very noticeable Soledad is so beautiful! She really stands out in a crowd.
stand * up not arrive to a date or an appointment (inf.) I arranged to meet Joe at the library at 8:00, but he stood me up. I hope he has a good excuse.
stand up for + defend (something one believes in) Every individual must stand up for what they believe in.
stand up to + defend oneself against someone or something I think you should stand up to your older brother and tell him to stop pushing you around.
stay over spend the night at a person's house It takes you so long to take the bus home, so why don't you just stay over?
stick it to + severely criticize a person (inf.) My boss really stuck it to me when I arrived late to work for the third time this week.
stick to + persevere, keep trying Even though English is a hard language to master, you must stick to it!
stick up for + defend oneself or opinions Joseph joined the army because he believes he must stick up for his country.

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