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Sonic Eye English 1

Publisher's description

From USALL Systems:
This application is designed to help measure and improve both English reading and comprehension for grades 10 though college. Written by an ESL tutor, this very limited program is the first release of a series of applications to help with English skills.

Sonic Eye English - this application helps test English reading speeds and comprehension. Sonic Eye English is a useful learning and testing utility that will come in handy. Sonic Eye English - this application helps test English reading speeds and comprehension. It features reading exercises to help boost reading speed and comprehension. It includes three essays with a total of 30 questions (ten questions per essay), along with a short explanation for each. Computes progress as a percentage correct.

License: Free

Chương trình giúp bạn đánh giá và cải thiện khả năng đọc tiếng anh của bạn. Phần mềm được thiết kế bởi các giáo viên tiếng Anh kinh nghiệm.
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